Kunitz-type protease inhibitor
Neoblast Clusters
Zeng et. al., 2018▻ Overview▻ Neoblast Population▻ Sub-lethal Irradiated Surviving X1 and X2 Cell Population
Single cell RNA-seq of pluripotent neoblasts and its early progeniesWe isolated X1 neoblasts cells enriched in high piwi-1 expression (Neoblast Population), and profiled ∼7,614 individual cells via scRNA-seq. Unsupervised analyses uncovered 12 distinct classes from 7,088 high-quality cells. We designated these classes Nb1 to Nb12 and ordered them based on high (Nb1) to low (Nb12) piwi-1 expression levels. We further defined groups of genes that best classified the cells parsed into 12 distinct cell clusters to generate a scaled expression heat map of discriminative gene sets for each cluster. Expression of each cluster’s gene signatures was validated using multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) co-stained with piwi-1 and largely confirmed the cell clusters revealed by scRNA-seq.We also tested sub-lethal irradiation exposure. To profile rare pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and avoid interference from immediate progenitor cells, we determined a time point after sub-lethal irradiation (7 DPI) with minimal piwi-1+ cells, followed by isolation and single-cell RNA-seq of 1,200 individual cells derived from X1 (Piwi-1 high) and X2 (Piwi-1 low) cell populations (Sub-lethal Irradiated Surviving X1 and X2 Cell Population)Explore this single cell expression dataset with our NB Cluster Shiny App
Neoblast Population
Sub-lethal Irradiated Surviving X1 and X2 Cell Population
Embryonic Expression
Davies et. al., 2017
Hover the mouse over a column in the graph to view average RPKM values per sample. Embryonic Stages: Y: yolk. S2-S8: Stages 2-8. C4: asexual adult. SX: virgin, sexually mature adult. back to top Anatomical Expression
PAGE et. al., 2020SMED30012509 has been reported as being expressed in these anatomical structures and/or regions. Read more about PAGEPAGE Curations: 4
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Match: TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11760]) HSP 1 Score: 66.6254 bits (161), Expect = 6.484e-14 Identity = 29/51 (56.86%), Postives = 36/51 (70.59%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +DPG CR R++Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T+EECK+IC Sbjct: 125 CFLEEDPGICRGYITRYFYNNQTKQCERFKYGGCLGNMNNFETLEECKNIC 175 HSP 2 Score: 58.151 bits (139), Expect = 7.446e-11 Identity = 24/54 (44.44%), Postives = 36/54 (66.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C D G C+A +RF+++ +QCE F YGGC GN N F+++EECK +C ++ Sbjct: 54 CAFKADDGPCKAIMKRFFFNIFTRQCEEFIYGGCEGNQNRFESLEECKKMCTRD 107
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Match: TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11760]) HSP 1 Score: 66.6254 bits (161), Expect = 6.484e-14 Identity = 29/51 (56.86%), Postives = 36/51 (70.59%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +DPG CR R++Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T+EECK+IC Sbjct: 125 CFLEEDPGICRGYITRYFYNNQTKQCERFKYGGCLGNMNNFETLEECKNIC 175 HSP 2 Score: 58.151 bits (139), Expect = 7.446e-11 Identity = 24/54 (44.44%), Postives = 36/54 (66.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C D G C+A +RF+++ +QCE F YGGC GN N F+++EECK +C ++ Sbjct: 54 CAFKADDGPCKAIMKRFFFNIFTRQCEEFIYGGCEGNQNRFESLEECKKMCTRD 107
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Match: TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11760]) HSP 1 Score: 65.4698 bits (158), Expect = 8.387e-14 Identity = 29/51 (56.86%), Postives = 36/51 (70.59%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +DPG CR R++Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T+EECK+IC Sbjct: 112 CFLEEDPGICRGYITRYFYNNQTKQCERFKYGGCLGNMNNFETLEECKNIC 162 HSP 2 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 1.253e-10 Identity = 24/53 (45.28%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C D G C+A +RF+++ +QCE F YGGC GN N F+++EECK +C + Sbjct: 54 CAFKADDGPCKAIMKRFFFNIFTRQCEEFIYGGCEGNQNRFESLEECKKMCTR 106
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Match: TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11760]) HSP 1 Score: 65.4698 bits (158), Expect = 1.961e-13 Identity = 29/51 (56.86%), Postives = 36/51 (70.59%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +DPG CR R++Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T+EECK+IC Sbjct: 125 CFLEEDPGICRGYITRYFYNNQTKQCERFKYGGCLGNMNNFETLEECKNIC 175 HSP 2 Score: 57.7658 bits (138), Expect = 1.455e-10 Identity = 28/53 (52.83%), Postives = 32/53 (60.38%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P D G CRAN RFYY+ V +C F Y GCGGN NNF + +EC C K Sbjct: 217 CLTPADRGLCRANENRFYYNSVIGKCRPFKYSGCGGNENNFTSKQECLRACKK 269 HSP 3 Score: 57.3806 bits (137), Expect = 1.705e-10 Identity = 24/54 (44.44%), Postives = 36/54 (66.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C D G C+A +RF+++ +QCE F YGGC GN N F+++EECK +C ++ Sbjct: 54 CAFKADDGPCKAIMKRFFFNIFTRQCEEFIYGGCEGNQNRFESLEECKKMCTRD 107
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Match: TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11760]) HSP 1 Score: 65.4698 bits (158), Expect = 1.961e-13 Identity = 29/51 (56.86%), Postives = 36/51 (70.59%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +DPG CR R++Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T+EECK+IC Sbjct: 125 CFLEEDPGICRGYITRYFYNNQTKQCERFKYGGCLGNMNNFETLEECKNIC 175 HSP 2 Score: 57.7658 bits (138), Expect = 1.455e-10 Identity = 28/53 (52.83%), Postives = 32/53 (60.38%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P D G CRAN RFYY+ V +C F Y GCGGN NNF + +EC C K Sbjct: 217 CLTPADRGLCRANENRFYYNSVIGKCRPFKYSGCGGNENNFTSKQECLRACKK 269 HSP 3 Score: 57.3806 bits (137), Expect = 1.705e-10 Identity = 24/54 (44.44%), Postives = 36/54 (66.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C D G C+A +RF+++ +QCE F YGGC GN N F+++EECK +C ++ Sbjct: 54 CAFKADDGPCKAIMKRFFFNIFTRQCEEFIYGGCEGNQNRFESLEECKKMCTRD 107
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Match: mlt-11 (pep chromosome:WBcel235:V:20667211:20678513:1 gene:WBGene00012186.1 transcript:W01F3.3b.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:mlt-11) HSP 1 Score: 63.1586 bits (152), Expect = 9.424e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P+D G CR F R+++D K C+ F+Y GC GNGNNF + EEC +IC K Sbjct: 737 CLHPRDSGNCRGQFVRWFFDDEKKNCDVFTYTGCQGNGNNFASKEECMAICHK 789 HSP 2 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.525e-10 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 35/45 (77.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 133 PGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 PG C +F+R++Y++ +++CE F+Y GCGGNGNN+++ E C+ C Sbjct: 429 PGPCHGSFQRYFYNEDSQKCEQFTYSGCGGNGNNYESREACEDRC 473 HSP 3 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.681e-10 Identity = 26/57 (45.61%), Postives = 36/57 (63.16%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 100 SSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S A C+A + G C F RF +D+ C +F+YGGCGGN NNF T++EC + C+ Sbjct: 861 SPVATCEADIEVGECAGVFSRFAFDKSINACRSFTYGGCGGNANNFATLQECTNKCV 917 HSP 4 Score: 55.0694 bits (131), Expect = 5.837e-10 Identity = 23/54 (42.59%), Postives = 32/54 (59.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P G C+ R+YYD+V C F Y GC GN NNF ++E+C+ +C+ N Sbjct: 2742 CIQPVVKGSCQEAHLRYYYDRVTDSCRLFEYSGCDGNANNFGSLEDCQRLCVLN 2795 HSP 5 Score: 48.1358 bits (113), Expect = 1.580e-7 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G C RFY++ +C+ F +GGC GN NNF+ +E+C+S C Sbjct: 539 CSLPKERGPCDKYELRFYFNADLNECKYFFWGGCEGNQNNFERVEDCESAC 589 HSP 6 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 1.083e-6 Identity = 22/54 (40.74%), Postives = 29/54 (53.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P D G C R++++ QCE F+YG CGGN NNF C+ CM + Sbjct: 2177 CAMPPDAGVCTNYTPRWFFNSQTGQCEQFAYGSCGGNENNFFDRNTCERKCMPH 2230 HSP 7 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 1.193e-6 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P +PG C+ R+Y++ + C F YGGC GN N+F T +EC+ C + Sbjct: 1083 CLQPVEPGPCKNFADRWYFNVDDGTCHPFKYGGCAGNRNHFFTQKECEVHCAR 1135 HSP 8 Score: 43.1282 bits (100), Expect = 9.269e-6 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 127 KDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 KD G + ++Y++ N +CE F + G GGN N F+T+ EC+ IC + Sbjct: 2245 KDSGSGKGYNVKWYFNMKNLRCEQFVFEGLGGNTNQFETLSECERICTPS 2294
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Match: mlt-11 (pep chromosome:WBcel235:V:20667209:20678513:1 gene:WBGene00012186.1 transcript:W01F3.3g.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:mlt-11) HSP 1 Score: 63.1586 bits (152), Expect = 9.464e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P+D G CR F R+++D K C+ F+Y GC GNGNNF + EEC +IC K Sbjct: 507 CLHPRDSGNCRGQFVRWFFDDEKKNCDVFTYTGCQGNGNNFASKEECMAICHK 559 HSP 2 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 1.298e-10 Identity = 26/57 (45.61%), Postives = 36/57 (63.16%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 100 SSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S A C+A + G C F RF +D+ C +F+YGGCGGN NNF T++EC + C+ Sbjct: 631 SPVATCEADIEVGECAGVFSRFAFDKSINACRSFTYGGCGGNANNFATLQECTNKCV 687 HSP 3 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.624e-10 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 35/45 (77.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 133 PGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 PG C +F+R++Y++ +++CE F+Y GCGGNGNN+++ E C+ C Sbjct: 208 PGPCHGSFQRYFYNEDSQKCEQFTYSGCGGNGNNYESREACEDRC 252 HSP 4 Score: 55.4546 bits (132), Expect = 4.733e-10 Identity = 23/54 (42.59%), Postives = 32/54 (59.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P G C+ R+YYD+V C F Y GC GN NNF ++E+C+ +C+ N Sbjct: 1986 CIQPVVKGSCQEAHLRYYYDRVTDSCRLFEYSGCDGNANNFGSLEDCQRLCVLN 2039 HSP 5 Score: 48.521 bits (114), Expect = 1.269e-7 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G C RFY++ +C+ F +GGC GN NNF+ +E+C+S C Sbjct: 318 CSLPKERGPCDKYELRFYFNADLNECKYFFWGGCEGNQNNFERVEDCESAC 368 HSP 6 Score: 46.2098 bits (108), Expect = 8.203e-7 Identity = 22/54 (40.74%), Postives = 29/54 (53.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P D G C R++++ QCE F+YG CGGN NNF C+ CM + Sbjct: 1421 CAMPPDAGVCTNYTPRWFFNSQTGQCEQFAYGSCGGNENNFFDRNTCERKCMPH 1474 HSP 7 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 8.952e-7 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P +PG C+ R+Y++ + C F YGGC GN N+F T +EC+ C + Sbjct: 853 CLQPVEPGPCKNFADRWYFNVDDGTCHPFKYGGCAGNRNHFFTQKECEVHCAR 905 HSP 8 Score: 43.1282 bits (100), Expect = 9.043e-6 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 127 KDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 KD G + ++Y++ N +CE F + G GGN N F+T+ EC+ IC + Sbjct: 1489 KDSGSGKGYNVKWYFNMKNLRCEQFVFEGLGGNTNQFETLSECERICTPS 1538
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Match: mlt-11 (pep chromosome:WBcel235:V:20667209:20678513:1 gene:WBGene00012186.1 transcript:W01F3.3f.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:mlt-11) HSP 1 Score: 63.1586 bits (152), Expect = 9.465e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P+D G CR F R+++D K C+ F+Y GC GNGNNF + EEC +IC K Sbjct: 516 CLHPRDSGNCRGQFVRWFFDDEKKNCDVFTYTGCQGNGNNFASKEECMAICHK 568 HSP 2 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 1.311e-10 Identity = 26/57 (45.61%), Postives = 36/57 (63.16%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 100 SSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S A C+A + G C F RF +D+ C +F+YGGCGGN NNF T++EC + C+ Sbjct: 640 SPVATCEADIEVGECAGVFSRFAFDKSINACRSFTYGGCGGNANNFATLQECTNKCV 696 HSP 3 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.640e-10 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 35/45 (77.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 133 PGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 PG C +F+R++Y++ +++CE F+Y GCGGNGNN+++ E C+ C Sbjct: 208 PGPCHGSFQRYFYNEDSQKCEQFTYSGCGGNGNNYESREACEDRC 252 HSP 4 Score: 55.4546 bits (132), Expect = 4.733e-10 Identity = 23/54 (42.59%), Postives = 32/54 (59.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P G C+ R+YYD+V C F Y GC GN NNF ++E+C+ +C+ N Sbjct: 1995 CIQPVVKGSCQEAHLRYYYDRVTDSCRLFEYSGCDGNANNFGSLEDCQRLCVLN 2048 HSP 5 Score: 48.521 bits (114), Expect = 1.269e-7 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G C RFY++ +C+ F +GGC GN NNF+ +E+C+S C Sbjct: 318 CSLPKERGPCDKYELRFYFNADLNECKYFFWGGCEGNQNNFERVEDCESAC 368 HSP 6 Score: 46.2098 bits (108), Expect = 8.283e-7 Identity = 22/54 (40.74%), Postives = 29/54 (53.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P D G C R++++ QCE F+YG CGGN NNF C+ CM + Sbjct: 1430 CAMPPDAGVCTNYTPRWFFNSQTGQCEQFAYGSCGGNENNFFDRNTCERKCMPH 1483 HSP 7 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 9.491e-7 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P +PG C+ R+Y++ + C F YGGC GN N+F T +EC+ C + Sbjct: 862 CLQPVEPGPCKNFADRWYFNVDDGTCHPFKYGGCAGNRNHFFTQKECEVHCAR 914 HSP 8 Score: 43.1282 bits (100), Expect = 9.132e-6 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 127 KDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 KD G + ++Y++ N +CE F + G GGN N F+T+ EC+ IC + Sbjct: 1498 KDSGSGKGYNVKWYFNMKNLRCEQFVFEGLGGNTNQFETLSECERICTPS 1547
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Match: mlt-11 (pep chromosome:WBcel235:V:20667211:20678513:1 gene:WBGene00012186.1 transcript:W01F3.3d.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:mlt-11) HSP 1 Score: 63.1586 bits (152), Expect = 9.609e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P+D G CR F R+++D K C+ F+Y GC GNGNNF + EEC +IC K Sbjct: 728 CLHPRDSGNCRGQFVRWFFDDEKKNCDVFTYTGCQGNGNNFASKEECMAICHK 780 HSP 2 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.525e-10 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 35/45 (77.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 133 PGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 PG C +F+R++Y++ +++CE F+Y GCGGNGNN+++ E C+ C Sbjct: 429 PGPCHGSFQRYFYNEDSQKCEQFTYSGCGGNGNNYESREACEDRC 473 HSP 3 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.731e-10 Identity = 26/57 (45.61%), Postives = 36/57 (63.16%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 100 SSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S A C+A + G C F RF +D+ C +F+YGGCGGN NNF T++EC + C+ Sbjct: 852 SPVATCEADIEVGECAGVFSRFAFDKSINACRSFTYGGCGGNANNFATLQECTNKCV 908 HSP 4 Score: 55.0694 bits (131), Expect = 5.837e-10 Identity = 23/54 (42.59%), Postives = 32/54 (59.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P G C+ R+YYD+V C F Y GC GN NNF ++E+C+ +C+ N Sbjct: 2733 CIQPVVKGSCQEAHLRYYYDRVTDSCRLFEYSGCDGNANNFGSLEDCQRLCVLN 2786 HSP 5 Score: 48.1358 bits (113), Expect = 1.565e-7 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G C RFY++ +C+ F +GGC GN NNF+ +E+C+S C Sbjct: 539 CSLPKERGPCDKYELRFYFNADLNECKYFFWGGCEGNQNNFERVEDCESAC 589 HSP 6 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 1.072e-6 Identity = 22/54 (40.74%), Postives = 29/54 (53.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P D G C R++++ QCE F+YG CGGN NNF C+ CM + Sbjct: 2168 CAMPPDAGVCTNYTPRWFFNSQTGQCEQFAYGSCGGNENNFFDRNTCERKCMPH 2221 HSP 7 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 1.170e-6 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P +PG C+ R+Y++ + C F YGGC GN N+F T +EC+ C + Sbjct: 1074 CLQPVEPGPCKNFADRWYFNVDDGTCHPFKYGGCAGNRNHFFTQKECEVHCAR 1126 HSP 8 Score: 43.1282 bits (100), Expect = 9.269e-6 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 127 KDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 KD G + ++Y++ N +CE F + G GGN N F+T+ EC+ IC + Sbjct: 2236 KDSGSGKGYNVKWYFNMKNLRCEQFVFEGLGGNTNQFETLSECERICTPS 2285
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Match: mlt-11 (pep chromosome:WBcel235:V:20667211:20678513:1 gene:WBGene00012186.1 transcript:W01F3.3e.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:mlt-11) HSP 1 Score: 63.1586 bits (152), Expect = 9.670e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P+D G CR F R+++D K C+ F+Y GC GNGNNF + EEC +IC K Sbjct: 737 CLHPRDSGNCRGQFVRWFFDDEKKNCDVFTYTGCQGNGNNFASKEECMAICHK 789 HSP 2 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 1.420e-10 Identity = 26/57 (45.61%), Postives = 36/57 (63.16%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 100 SSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S A C+A + G C F RF +D+ C +F+YGGCGGN NNF T++EC + C+ Sbjct: 861 SPVATCEADIEVGECAGVFSRFAFDKSINACRSFTYGGCGGNANNFATLQECTNKCV 917 HSP 3 Score: 56.6102 bits (135), Expect = 1.675e-10 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 35/45 (77.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 133 PGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 PG C +F+R++Y++ +++CE F+Y GCGGNGNN+++ E C+ C Sbjct: 429 PGPCHGSFQRYFYNEDSQKCEQFTYSGCGGNGNNYESREACEDRC 473 HSP 4 Score: 55.4546 bits (132), Expect = 4.883e-10 Identity = 23/54 (42.59%), Postives = 32/54 (59.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P G C+ R+YYD+V C F Y GC GN NNF ++E+C+ +C+ N Sbjct: 2216 CIQPVVKGSCQEAHLRYYYDRVTDSCRLFEYSGCDGNANNFGSLEDCQRLCVLN 2269 HSP 5 Score: 48.1358 bits (113), Expect = 1.388e-7 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G C RFY++ +C+ F +GGC GN NNF+ +E+C+S C Sbjct: 539 CSLPKERGPCDKYELRFYFNADLNECKYFFWGGCEGNQNNFERVEDCESAC 589 HSP 6 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 9.417e-7 Identity = 22/54 (40.74%), Postives = 29/54 (53.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P D G C R++++ QCE F+YG CGGN NNF C+ CM + Sbjct: 1651 CAMPPDAGVCTNYTPRWFFNSQTGQCEQFAYGSCGGNENNFFDRNTCERKCMPH 1704 HSP 7 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 9.982e-7 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P +PG C+ R+Y++ + C F YGGC GN N+F T +EC+ C + Sbjct: 1083 CLQPVEPGPCKNFADRWYFNVDDGTCHPFKYGGCAGNRNHFFTQKECEVHCAR 1135 HSP 8 Score: 43.1282 bits (100), Expect = 9.985e-6 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 127 KDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 KD G + ++Y++ N +CE F + G GGN N F+T+ EC+ IC + Sbjct: 1719 KDSGSGKGYNVKWYFNMKNLRCEQFVFEGLGGNTNQFETLSECERICTPS 1768
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Match: CG3604 (gene:FBgn0031562 transcript:FBtr0077545) HSP 1 Score: 62.003 bits (149), Expect = 1.962e-13 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 DC PK+ GRC A F R+ Y+ + CE F YGGC GN NNF++ E+C+ C+ Sbjct: 54 DCHQPKETGRCFALFYRYAYNVDTQSCEEFVYGGCAGNKNNFESKEQCEQACL 106
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Match: CG3604 (gene:FBgn0031562 transcript:FBtr0346581) HSP 1 Score: 62.003 bits (149), Expect = 1.962e-13 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 DC PK+ GRC A F R+ Y+ + CE F YGGC GN NNF++ E+C+ C+ Sbjct: 54 DCHQPKETGRCFALFYRYAYNVDTQSCEEFVYGGCAGNKNNFESKEQCEQACL 106
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Match: CG17380 (gene:FBgn0039077 transcript:FBtr0299867) HSP 1 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 3.148e-11 Identity = 26/51 (50.98%), Postives = 30/51 (58.82%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C +PG C+ NF F YD N C F YGGCGGN N FQT +EC +C Sbjct: 25 CSFIANPGPCKGNFEMFAYDMDNNVCVEFIYGGCGGNPNRFQTKKECILLC 75
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Match: CG15418 (gene:FBgn0031554 transcript:FBtr0077556) HSP 1 Score: 53.9138 bits (128), Expect = 1.290e-10 Identity = 24/53 (45.28%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C PK PG CR + R+ Y++ CE+F Y GC NNF T EEC+ CM+ Sbjct: 41 CRQPKAPGLCRGHQLRYAYNKKTGNCESFIYTGCASTENNFLTFEECRRDCMQ 93
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Match: CG15418 (gene:FBgn0031554 transcript:FBtr0446100) HSP 1 Score: 53.9138 bits (128), Expect = 1.290e-10 Identity = 24/53 (45.28%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C PK PG CR + R+ Y++ CE+F Y GC NNF T EEC+ CM+ Sbjct: 41 CRQPKAPGLCRGHQLRYAYNKKTGNCESFIYTGCASTENNFLTFEECRRDCMQ 93
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Match: spint1b (serine peptidase inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 b [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-071218-1]) HSP 1 Score: 62.3882 bits (150), Expect = 2.772e-12 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 36/53 (67.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 A C P G CRA+F +YYD ++K+C +F+YGGC GN NNF+T ++C C Sbjct: 361 AHCTDPPATGPCRAHFHHWYYDPLSKKCHSFTYGGCDGNRNNFETADKCMKNC 413 HSP 2 Score: 50.447 bits (119), Expect = 4.091e-8 Identity = 22/51 (43.14%), Postives = 33/51 (64.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK G CRA+F R+ Y+ +++CE F +GGC N NN+ + EC++ C Sbjct: 235 CLTPKKTGPCRASFIRWNYNAASRRCEQFIFGGCMENSNNYLSETECQNAC 285
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Match: appa (amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein a [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-000616-13]) HSP 1 Score: 61.6178 bits (148), Expect = 4.289e-12 Identity = 25/51 (49.02%), Postives = 33/51 (64.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C A + G CRA R+YY + ++C F YGGCGGN NNF++ E C S+C Sbjct: 293 CFASAETGPCRAMLSRWYYVREERRCAPFIYGGCGGNRNNFESEEYCLSVC 343
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Match: wfikkn2a (info WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 2a [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-120914-1]) HSP 1 Score: 61.2326 bits (147), Expect = 6.366e-12 Identity = 27/60 (45.00%), Postives = 37/60 (61.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 SCG+ A C P G C+A R+ Y K+C++F YGGCGGN NNF++ E C+ +C Sbjct: 374 SCGAELAAPCSLPSVQGPCKAYKPRWAYSHALKKCQSFVYGGCGGNENNFESKEACEEMC 433
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Match: tfpia (tissue factor pathway inhibitor a [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-030711-1]) HSP 1 Score: 58.9214 bits (141), Expect = 3.141e-11 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 35/52 (67.31%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C KD G C+A RFY+D +CE F YGGC GN NNF+T+++C+ +C+ Sbjct: 42 CALKKDEGPCKAMKDRFYFDIDTGRCEPFEYGGCQGNANNFETLQDCEEMCL 93 HSP 2 Score: 55.4546 bits (132), Expect = 5.638e-10 Identity = 23/57 (40.35%), Postives = 37/57 (64.91%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 97 SSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + + + C +PG CR R+++DQ +++C+ F YGGC GN NNF+TI+ C+ C Sbjct: 95 TENKSPCHLEDEPGPCRGLVPRYFFDQKSQECKQFFYGGCFGNANNFKTIKACQQRC 151 HSP 3 Score: 44.669 bits (104), Expect = 3.500e-6 Identity = 22/57 (38.60%), Postives = 31/57 (54.39%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN*SR 285 C + D G C + RR+ ++ +C+ F Y GCGGN NNF C +CMK+ R Sbjct: 205 CMSAVDRGDCDGSERRYVFNPRIGRCQVFRYSGCGGNKNNFIHKRHCMKMCMKDQHR 261
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Match: tfpia (tissue factor pathway inhibitor a [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-030711-1]) HSP 1 Score: 58.9214 bits (141), Expect = 3.352e-11 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 35/52 (67.31%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C KD G C+A RFY+D +CE F YGGC GN NNF+T+++C+ +C+ Sbjct: 41 CALKKDEGPCKAMKDRFYFDIDTGRCEPFEYGGCQGNANNFETLQDCEEMCL 92 HSP 2 Score: 55.4546 bits (132), Expect = 5.450e-10 Identity = 23/57 (40.35%), Postives = 37/57 (64.91%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 97 SSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + + + C +PG CR R+++DQ +++C+ F YGGC GN NNF+TI+ C+ C Sbjct: 94 TENKSPCHLEDEPGPCRGLVPRYFFDQKSQECKQFFYGGCFGNANNFKTIKACQQRC 150 HSP 3 Score: 44.669 bits (104), Expect = 3.564e-6 Identity = 22/57 (38.60%), Postives = 31/57 (54.39%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN*SR 285 C + D G C + RR+ ++ +C+ F Y GCGGN NNF C +CMK+ R Sbjct: 204 CMSAVDRGDCDGSERRYVFNPRIGRCQVFRYSGCGGNKNNFIHKRHCMKMCMKDQHR 260
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Match: itch (itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Source:Xenbase;Acc:XB-GENE-976485]) HSP 1 Score: 62.3882 bits (150), Expect = 3.644e-12 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 32/52 (61.54%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C+ K+ G CR ++YYD K C F YGGCGGN N F T +EC+ IC+ Sbjct: 3026 CNLQKEEGTCRDFVLKWYYDPETKSCARFWYGGCGGNENRFSTQKECEKICI 3077
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Match: itch (itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Source:Xenbase;Acc:XB-GENE-976485]) HSP 1 Score: 62.3882 bits (150), Expect = 3.896e-12 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 32/52 (61.54%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C+ K+ G CR ++YYD K C F YGGCGGN N F T +EC+ IC+ Sbjct: 2829 CNLQKEEGTCRDFVLKWYYDPETKSCARFWYGGCGGNENRFSTQKECEKICI 2880
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Match: itch (itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Source:Xenbase;Acc:XB-GENE-976485]) HSP 1 Score: 62.3882 bits (150), Expect = 3.900e-12 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 32/52 (61.54%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C+ K+ G CR ++YYD K C F YGGCGGN N F T +EC+ IC+ Sbjct: 3009 CNLQKEEGTCRDFVLKWYYDPETKSCARFWYGGCGGNENRFSTQKECEKICI 3060
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Match: tfpi2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:548483]) HSP 1 Score: 60.077 bits (144), Expect = 1.071e-11 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 36/53 (67.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C +PKD G C A+ R+Y++ +K CE F Y GCGGN NNF +E+C S+C K Sbjct: 149 CYSPKDEGSCSASVTRYYFNIESKACEEFVYTGCGGNSNNFVKMEDCDSVCKK 201 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 2.331e-10 Identity = 23/53 (43.40%), Postives = 32/53 (60.38%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P D G C+A +YYD+ + C+ F YGGC GN N F ++E+C+ C K Sbjct: 29 CLLPPDEGPCKALIPHYYYDRYTQTCQEFLYGGCDGNSNKFLSMEDCEKFCWK 81 HSP 3 Score: 45.0542 bits (105), Expect = 3.433e-6 Identity = 21/51 (41.18%), Postives = 26/51 (50.98%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C D G CR +R+ Y+ +CE F YGGC GN NNF+ C C Sbjct: 89 CRMDPDEGPCRGFLKRYAYNMQTMKCEQFYYGGCYGNDNNFKDKASCMDFC 139
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Match: spint2 (serine peptidase inhibitor, Kunitz type, 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:733874]) HSP 1 Score: 60.4622 bits (145), Expect = 1.644e-11 Identity = 26/51 (50.98%), Postives = 33/51 (64.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C AP G CRA+FRR+YYD C F+YGGC GN NN+ ++E+C C Sbjct: 268 CAAPSLTGPCRASFRRWYYDVTTATCVAFTYGGCRGNKNNYLSVEDCVKNC 318 HSP 2 Score: 53.5286 bits (127), Expect = 3.963e-9 Identity = 21/45 (46.67%), Postives = 33/45 (73.33%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 136 GRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 G CRA+F R+Y+D ++ C +F+YGGCGG NN ++++EC C+ Sbjct: 203 GNCRASFPRWYFDAESQNCISFTYGGCGGTENNHKSVQECADRCI 247 HSP 3 Score: 45.8246 bits (107), Expect = 2.165e-6 Identity = 21/44 (47.73%), Postives = 27/44 (61.36%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 136 GRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 G CRA F R++Y+ + CE F+YGGC GN NN E C + C Sbjct: 126 GPCRAAFERWWYNPNTQTCENFTYGGCKGNLNNHIGEEVCMNKC 169
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Match: Tfpi2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:108543]) HSP 1 Score: 65.4698 bits (158), Expect = 8.318e-15 Identity = 29/53 (54.72%), Postives = 36/53 (67.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C +PKD G C AN RFY++ NK CETF+Y GCGGN NNF ++ C C+K Sbjct: 38 CSSPKDEGLCSANVTRFYFNSRNKTCETFTYTGCGGNENNFYYLDACHRACVK 90
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Match: Tfpi (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1095418]) HSP 1 Score: 66.6254 bits (161), Expect = 3.600e-14 Identity = 31/64 (48.44%), Postives = 42/64 (65.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGAD----CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + ++SGA+ C +DPG CR +R+ Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T++ECK IC Sbjct: 108 AVKAASGAERPDFCFLEEDPGLCRGYMKRYLYNNQTKQCERFVYGGCLGNRNNFETLDECKKIC 171 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 2.162e-10 Identity = 24/52 (46.15%), Postives = 31/52 (59.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C D G C+A R ++++ QCE F YGGC GN N F T+EECK C+ Sbjct: 50 CAMKADDGPCKAMIRSYFFNMYTHQCEEFIYGGCEGNENRFDTLEECKKTCI 101
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Match: Tfpi (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1095418]) HSP 1 Score: 66.6254 bits (161), Expect = 3.600e-14 Identity = 31/64 (48.44%), Postives = 42/64 (65.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGAD----CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + ++SGA+ C +DPG CR +R+ Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T++ECK IC Sbjct: 108 AVKAASGAERPDFCFLEEDPGLCRGYMKRYLYNNQTKQCERFVYGGCLGNRNNFETLDECKKIC 171 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 2.162e-10 Identity = 24/52 (46.15%), Postives = 31/52 (59.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C D G C+A R ++++ QCE F YGGC GN N F T+EECK C+ Sbjct: 50 CAMKADDGPCKAMIRSYFFNMYTHQCEEFIYGGCEGNENRFDTLEECKKTCI 101
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Match: Tfpi (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1095418]) HSP 1 Score: 66.6254 bits (161), Expect = 3.600e-14 Identity = 31/64 (48.44%), Postives = 42/64 (65.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGAD----CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + ++SGA+ C +DPG CR +R+ Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T++ECK IC Sbjct: 108 AVKAASGAERPDFCFLEEDPGLCRGYMKRYLYNNQTKQCERFVYGGCLGNRNNFETLDECKKIC 171 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 2.162e-10 Identity = 24/52 (46.15%), Postives = 31/52 (59.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C D G C+A R ++++ QCE F YGGC GN N F T+EECK C+ Sbjct: 50 CAMKADDGPCKAMIRSYFFNMYTHQCEEFIYGGCEGNENRFDTLEECKKTCI 101
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Match: Tfpi (tissue factor pathway inhibitor [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1095418]) HSP 1 Score: 66.2402 bits (160), Expect = 5.872e-14 Identity = 31/64 (48.44%), Postives = 42/64 (65.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGAD----CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + ++SGA+ C +DPG CR +R+ Y+ KQCE F YGGC GN NNF+T++ECK IC Sbjct: 108 AVKAASGAERPDFCFLEEDPGLCRGYMKRYLYNNQTKQCERFVYGGCLGNRNNFETLDECKKIC 171 HSP 2 Score: 55.8398 bits (133), Expect = 3.108e-10 Identity = 24/52 (46.15%), Postives = 31/52 (59.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C D G C+A R ++++ QCE F YGGC GN N F T+EECK C+ Sbjct: 50 CAMKADDGPCKAMIRSYFFNMYTHQCEEFIYGGCEGNENRFDTLEECKKTCI 101
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Match: sp|P0DN13|VKT9_ANEVI (U-actitoxin-Avd3l OS=Anemonia viridis OX=51769 PE=3 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 75.485 bits (184), Expect = 4.222e-18 Identity = 31/52 (59.62%), Postives = 40/52 (76.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DC P D GRCRA F R+YY+ +++CE F+YGGCGGN NNF T+EEC+ +C Sbjct: 20 DCLLPMDVGRCRARFPRYYYNSSSRRCEKFNYGGCGGNANNFHTLEECEKVC 71
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Match: sp|Q9TWF8|VKT3_ANESU (KappaPI-actitoxin-Avd3d OS=Anemonia sulcata OX=6108 PE=1 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 74.3294 bits (181), Expect = 5.135e-18 Identity = 31/53 (58.49%), Postives = 40/53 (75.47%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DC+ PK GRCRA F R+YY+ +++CE F YGGCGGN NNF T+EEC+ +C Sbjct: 3 GDCELPKVVGRCRARFPRYYYNLSSRRCEKFIYGGCGGNANNFHTLEECEKVC 55
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Match: sp|P0DN07|VKT4_ANEVI (U-actitoxin-Avd3g OS=Anemonia viridis OX=51769 PE=3 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 74.7146 bits (182), Expect = 7.526e-18 Identity = 31/52 (59.62%), Postives = 40/52 (76.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DC+ PK GRCRA F R+YY+ +++CE F+YGGCGGN NNF T+EEC +C Sbjct: 20 DCELPKVVGRCRARFPRYYYNSSSRRCEKFNYGGCGGNANNFHTLEECVKVC 71
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Match: sp|P10280|VKT52_ANESU (KappaPI-actitoxin-Avd3a OS=Anemonia sulcata OX=6108 PE=1 SV=2) HSP 1 Score: 72.7886 bits (177), Expect = 2.940e-17 Identity = 31/53 (58.49%), Postives = 39/53 (73.58%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DC+ PK G CRA F R+YY+ +K+CE F YGGCGGN NNF T+EEC+ +C Sbjct: 3 GDCELPKVVGPCRARFPRYYYNSSSKRCEKFIYGGCGGNANNFHTLEECEKVC 55
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Match: sp|P0DN08|VKT53_ANEVI (KappaPI-actitoxin-Avd3e OS=Anemonia viridis OX=51769 PE=3 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 73.1738 bits (178), Expect = 3.174e-17 Identity = 31/52 (59.62%), Postives = 39/52 (75.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DC+ PK G CRA F R+YY+ +K+CE F YGGCGGN NNF T+EEC+ +C Sbjct: 20 DCELPKVVGPCRARFPRYYYNSSSKRCEKFIYGGCGGNANNFHTLEECEKVC 71
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Match: A0A0C2CY52 (Kunitz/Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor domain protein OS=Ancylostoma duodenale OX=51022 GN=ANCDUO_07771 PE=4 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 73.9442 bits (180), Expect = 2.571e-15 Identity = 34/63 (53.97%), Postives = 43/63 (68.25%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 S + ADC PK GRCRA+FRR+YYD K+C+ F+YGGC GNGN F T E C+ CM++ Sbjct: 3 SQAEARNADCLLPKRVGRCRASFRRYYYDSEEKKCKMFTYGGCRGNGNRFLTEENCRKECMQD 65
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Match: A0A4S2L009 (BPTI/Kunitz inhibitor domain-containing protein OS=Opisthorchis felineus OX=147828 GN=CRM22_010267 PE=4 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 72.0182 bits (175), Expect = 2.319e-14 Identity = 29/56 (51.79%), Postives = 42/56 (75.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 A C P G+CRA+F R++YD +CE F YGGCGGN NNF+++E+C+++CMK+ Sbjct: 28 ASCRLPAVVGQCRASFPRYFYDSKVNRCEPFVYGGCGGNANNFESVEQCENVCMKS 83
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Match: R4FK61 (KP-Pse-5 OS=Pseudonaja modesta OX=340912 PE=2 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 70.0922 bits (170), Expect = 1.658e-13 Identity = 30/52 (57.69%), Postives = 37/52 (71.15%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C+ P + GRC A+ RFYY+ QC F YGGCGGN NNF+TI+ECKS C+ Sbjct: 31 CELPAETGRCNAHITRFYYNPRQHQCIKFLYGGCGGNANNFKTIKECKSTCI 82
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Match: A0A2G9QFZ7 (Uncharacterized protein OS=Lithobates catesbeianus OX=8400 GN=AB205_0191710 PE=4 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 72.4034 bits (176), Expect = 1.957e-13 Identity = 30/52 (57.69%), Postives = 39/52 (75.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 C+ P+DPG C+A+ +R+YYDQ C+ F YGGC GN NNF+T EECK IC+ Sbjct: 139 CEQPRDPGPCKAHVKRYYYDQETDTCKDFIYGGCEGNRNNFKTEEECKRICI 190
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Match: A0A0K8TJB8 (Uncharacterized protein (Fragment) OS=Lygus hesperus OX=30085 PE=4 SV=1) HSP 1 Score: 73.1738 bits (178), Expect = 2.369e-13 Identity = 31/54 (57.41%), Postives = 40/54 (74.07%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C P+ PG C+A FRR+Y+D ++QC F+YGGC GNGNNFQT EEC+ C +N Sbjct: 191 CLLPQAPGLCKAAFRRYYFDASSQQCVLFTYGGCMGNGNNFQTKEECEQTCAQN 244
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Match: wfikkn2a (WAP, Kazal, immunoglobulin, Kunitz and NTR domain-containing protein 2-like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:103032076]) HSP 1 Score: 64.3142 bits (155), Expect = 4.978e-13 Identity = 28/60 (46.67%), Postives = 39/60 (65.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 SCG+ A C P G C+A R+ Y+ + KQC++F YGGCGGN NNF++ E C+ +C Sbjct: 368 SCGAELAAPCSLPSLQGPCKAYEPRWAYNHLLKQCQSFVYGGCGGNENNFESKEACEEMC 427
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Match: appb (amyloid beta A4 protein-like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:103046668]) HSP 1 Score: 61.2326 bits (147), Expect = 4.925e-12 Identity = 25/53 (47.17%), Postives = 33/53 (62.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 A C AP G CRA R+Y+ +C FS+GGCGGN NNF++ E C ++C Sbjct: 309 AVCWAPPRRGPCRATLSRWYFVAETGRCAPFSFGGCGGNRNNFESEEYCMAVC 361
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Match: appb (amyloid beta A4 protein-like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:103046668]) HSP 1 Score: 61.2326 bits (147), Expect = 5.009e-12 Identity = 25/53 (47.17%), Postives = 33/53 (62.26%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 A C AP G CRA R+Y+ +C FS+GGCGGN NNF++ E C ++C Sbjct: 309 AVCWAPPRRGPCRATLSRWYFVAETGRCAPFSFGGCGGNRNNFESEEYCMAVC 361
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Match: tfpi2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:103023332]) HSP 1 Score: 60.077 bits (144), Expect = 6.849e-12 Identity = 25/51 (49.02%), Postives = 33/51 (64.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C P G CR R++Y+ + ++CE FSYGGCGGN NNF T +EC +C Sbjct: 27 CLLPAVEGPCRGLVSRYFYNTLTQRCEEFSYGGCGGNANNFVTFQECHKMC 77 HSP 2 Score: 53.5286 bits (127), Expect = 1.717e-9 Identity = 23/51 (45.10%), Postives = 30/51 (58.82%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C P + G CRA R++++ QCE F YGGC GN NNFQ+ + C C Sbjct: 87 CRFPSEVGPCRALLSRYFFNMTTMQCEQFYYGGCQGNENNFQSHQSCMEYC 137 HSP 3 Score: 52.373 bits (124), Expect = 3.798e-9 Identity = 22/53 (41.51%), Postives = 32/53 (60.38%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C D G+C A+ R+YY+ K CE F+Y GCGG+ NNF + + C +C + Sbjct: 147 CQGVLDKGKCSASIPRYYYNSAKKTCEEFTYTGCGGSSNNFVSKQSCMDVCAR 199
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Match: ENSAMXT00000056342.1 (pep primary_assembly:Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0:25:41015233:41016395:-1 gene:ENSAMXG00000036709.1 transcript:ENSAMXT00000056342.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 57.3806 bits (137), Expect = 7.590e-12 Identity = 24/54 (44.44%), Postives = 35/54 (64.81%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P D G+C ++++D ++C F YGGCGGNGN F+T EEC++ C+K Sbjct: 36 HCKLPHDLGKCYNFALKWHFDTSIQECTRFWYGGCGGNGNRFETQEECEARCLK 89
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Match: tfpi2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-060503-38]) HSP 1 Score: 61.2326 bits (147), Expect = 6.169e-13 Identity = 24/53 (45.28%), Postives = 36/53 (67.92%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C P PG CRA F R+++++ +CE+F YGGC N NNF+T++EC++ C Sbjct: 25 VTCTLPAKPGDCRAAFPRYFFNRSTLRCESFIYGGCHSNENNFETMQECRAAC 77 HSP 2 Score: 58.151 bits (139), Expect = 7.337e-12 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 34/53 (64.15%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 +C + D G C+ NFRRFYY+ + C FSY GCGGN NNF + + C S C+ Sbjct: 146 ECLSRHDTGNCQGNFRRFYYNIQKRSCLPFSYSGCGGNNNNFISAKTCLSTCL 198 HSP 3 Score: 51.9878 bits (123), Expect = 1.451e-9 Identity = 22/53 (41.51%), Postives = 31/53 (58.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C + GRCRA+ R++Y+ C F YGGCGGN N F+ +E C C++ Sbjct: 87 CRPDAETGRCRAHITRYFYNMTLGMCMPFVYGGCGGNNNRFEDMESCVFSCIE 139
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Match: ENSPMAT00000005043.1 (pep scaffold:Pmarinus_7.0:GL481015:31246:35903:1 gene:ENSPMAG00000004579.1 transcript:ENSPMAT00000005043.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 58.9214 bits (141), Expect = 3.785e-12 Identity = 25/53 (47.17%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + C DPG CRA R +Y++ ++CE F YGGC GNGNNF+++ EC + C Sbjct: 1 SSCMMDLDPGPCRAYLPRVFYNRYTQRCEPFHYGGCFGNGNNFESLAECNAKC 53 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 3.299e-11 Identity = 25/51 (49.02%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C DPG C A RF+Y+ CE+F+YGGCGGN NNF + C S+C Sbjct: 166 CLMKADPGECTAVIPRFHYNPKTSNCESFTYGGCGGNDNNFSSERSCMSVC 216 HSP 3 Score: 46.595 bits (109), Expect = 9.487e-8 Identity = 22/61 (36.07%), Postives = 31/61 (50.82%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 91 CGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C + C + G CRA RR++++ + CE F YGGC GN NNF+ C C+ Sbjct: 66 CPLVAPKACRLDMEVGVCRALLRRYFFNMTSGSCEEFGYGGCQGNLNNFKDAASCYQHCVH 126
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Match: ENSPMAT00000005038.1 (pep scaffold:Pmarinus_7.0:GL481015:31246:35903:1 gene:ENSPMAG00000004579.1 transcript:ENSPMAT00000005038.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 58.5362 bits (140), Expect = 4.325e-12 Identity = 25/53 (47.17%), Postives = 35/53 (66.04%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 109 ADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 + C DPG CRA R +Y++ ++CE F YGGC GNGNNF+++ EC + C Sbjct: 1 SSCMMDLDPGPCRAYLPRVFYNRYTQRCEPFHYGGCFGNGNNFESLAECNAKC 53 HSP 2 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 3.921e-11 Identity = 25/51 (49.02%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C DPG C A RF+Y+ CE+F+YGGCGGN NNF + C S+C Sbjct: 167 CLMKADPGECTAVIPRFHYNPKTSNCESFTYGGCGGNDNNFSSERSCMSVC 217 HSP 3 Score: 46.595 bits (109), Expect = 1.153e-7 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 29/53 (54.72%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C + G CRA RR++++ + CE F YGGC GN NNF+ C C+ Sbjct: 75 CRLDMEVGVCRALLRRYFFNMTSGSCEEFGYGGCQGNLNNFKDAASCYQHCVH 127
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Match: ENSPMAT00000005252.1 (pep scaffold:Pmarinus_7.0:GL477257:283672:285029:-1 gene:ENSPMAG00000004785.1 transcript:ENSPMAT00000005252.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 51.2174 bits (121), Expect = 5.701e-10 Identity = 21/51 (41.18%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C P D G C + R +++ N CE+F Y GCGGNGN+F + + C+ +C Sbjct: 65 CKLPADSGPCEESTYRIHFNASNGLCESFPYSGCGGNGNSFPSTQACQRLC 115
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Match: ENSPMAT00000008261.1 (pep scaffold:Pmarinus_7.0:GL478901:735:1448:1 gene:ENSPMAG00000007479.1 transcript:ENSPMAT00000008261.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 49.2914 bits (116), Expect = 9.198e-9 Identity = 23/60 (38.33%), Postives = 34/60 (56.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 +C + + C P G C+A R+ Y+ + K+C TF YGGC GNGN+F + C+ C Sbjct: 12 ACVNETARVCSLPPVQGPCKAWETRWSYNPLGKRCATFLYGGCEGNGNSFASRSACERAC 71
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Match: EDO29819 (Predicted protein [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:A7T2J6]) HSP 1 Score: 64.6994 bits (156), Expect = 1.647e-15 Identity = 30/61 (49.18%), Postives = 37/61 (60.66%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICM 270 S S + C PK G CRA R +++ + +CE F YGGCGGN NNF T+EECK CM Sbjct: 5 SAAVSGNSACTLPKKVGDCRAAMPRVFFNSQSGKCEDFIYGGCGGNANNFHTMEECKKACM 65
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Match: EDO31760 (Predicted protein [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:A7SX09]) HSP 1 Score: 64.3142 bits (155), Expect = 2.321e-15 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 38/53 (71.70%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 CD PK+PG CRA+ +R+YY+ ++C F++GGC GN NNF T C++ CM+ Sbjct: 1 CDLPKNPGVCRASIQRWYYNNETRKCIKFTFGGCHGNANNFPTKSSCRNACMR 53
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Match: EDO41696 (Predicted protein [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:A7S3T1]) HSP 1 Score: 58.151 bits (139), Expect = 4.654e-13 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 36/52 (69.23%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 +C PK G CRA F R++Y+Q +++C+ F YGGC GN NNF++ EC+ C Sbjct: 1 ECLQPKLTGPCRAYFERWFYNQTSRKCKQFVYGGCQGNSNNFESKAECEKKC 52
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Match: EDO26263 (Predicted protein [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:A7S3T1]) HSP 1 Score: 58.151 bits (139), Expect = 4.654e-13 Identity = 25/52 (48.08%), Postives = 36/52 (69.23%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 +C PK G CRA F R++Y+Q +++C+ F YGGC GN NNF++ EC+ C Sbjct: 1 ECLQPKLTGPCRAYFERWFYNQTSRKCKQFVYGGCQGNSNNFESKAECEKKC 52
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Match: EDO41921 (Predicted protein [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:A7S321]) HSP 1 Score: 55.0694 bits (131), Expect = 6.525e-12 Identity = 25/46 (54.35%), Postives = 31/46 (67.39%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 130 DPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 DPG C+A RFY++ K+C+ F YGGCGGN N F T EC+ IC Sbjct: 1 DPGPCKAYMPRFYFEIEKKECQEFIYGGCGGNENRFFTKRECQRIC 46
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Match: tfpi2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:101174930]) HSP 1 Score: 64.6994 bits (156), Expect = 2.298e-13 Identity = 27/53 (50.94%), Postives = 37/53 (69.81%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C P D G+C A+ RRFYY++ K CE F+Y GCGG+ NNF + E C+ +C+K Sbjct: 204 CLDPLDKGKCSASMRRFYYNKATKTCEEFAYSGCGGSSNNFVSRESCEDVCLK 256 HSP 2 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 1.327e-10 Identity = 24/51 (47.06%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C PK+ G CRA F ++++ QCE FSYGGCGGN N F+ + C C Sbjct: 144 CRFPKEEGHCRALFPSYFFNMSTMQCEPFSYGGCGGNSNRFRDLTSCMDFC 194 HSP 3 Score: 55.0694 bits (131), Expect = 5.619e-10 Identity = 21/53 (39.62%), Postives = 32/53 (60.38%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C D G CR R++Y+ + ++CE F YGGC GN NNF + ++C+ C + Sbjct: 84 CLLRVDEGPCRGQIERYFYNTITQKCEVFYYGGCHGNANNFMSFQKCQKTCFR 136
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Match: COL6A3 (collagen type VI alpha 3 chain [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:101161016]) HSP 1 Score: 60.8474 bits (146), Expect = 7.175e-12 Identity = 26/53 (49.06%), Postives = 29/53 (54.72%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 C PK G C ++YYD +K C F YGGC GN N F T EECK C K Sbjct: 2639 CQLPKQEGSCAEFALKWYYDTTSKSCTRFWYGGCDGNQNRFDTQEECKEACEK 2691 HSP 2 Score: 46.2098 bits (108), Expect = 9.705e-7 Identity = 21/55 (38.18%), Postives = 30/55 (54.55%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGR-CRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 C DPG C+ ++YY++ N C F YGGCGGN N F + C C+++ Sbjct: 2551 CSLGFDPGMPCKDYQAKWYYERQNGFCTQFWYGGCGGNDNRFDSEALCLKRCLRS 2605
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Match: ENSORLT00000029380.1 (pep primary_assembly:ASM223467v1:16:32225490:32229522:1 gene:ENSORLG00000025276.1 transcript:ENSORLT00000029380.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding) HSP 1 Score: 56.9954 bits (136), Expect = 2.559e-11 Identity = 26/63 (41.27%), Postives = 36/63 (57.14%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMKN 276 S S SG C P D G C+ +++D +C F YGGCGGN N F T EEC+++C++ Sbjct: 74 SLASGSGDACRQPLDQGSCQTYAMMWFFDSNETKCAPFWYGGCGGNQNRFSTEEECQTVCLEG 136
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Match: APP (amyloid-beta A4 protein [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:101162104]) HSP 1 Score: 59.3066 bits (142), Expect = 2.796e-11 Identity = 24/51 (47.06%), Postives = 33/51 (64.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 115 CDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 C A + G CRA R+++D+ +C F YGGCGGN NNF++ E C S+C Sbjct: 330 CWADAETGPCRALLPRWFFDREEGRCVQFIYGGCGGNRNNFESEEYCMSVC 380
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Match: wfikkn2a (WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:101168544]) HSP 1 Score: 58.5362 bits (140), Expect = 4.698e-11 Identity = 26/60 (43.33%), Postives = 36/60 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSIC 267 +CG A C P G C+A R+ Y K+C++F YGGCGGN NNF++ E C+ +C Sbjct: 379 ACGGELAAPCSLPSLQGPCKAYEPRWAYSSTLKKCQSFVYGGCGGNENNFESKEACEQMC 438
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
Match: SMESG000037999.1 (SMESG000037999.1) HSP 1 Score: 70.4774 bits (171), Expect = 2.750e-17 Identity = 30/59 (50.85%), Postives = 41/59 (69.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 97 SSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 S +C+ PK G C A F+RFY++ +CETF YGGCG NGNNFQT +EC+ +C++ Sbjct: 21 ESRLKECNEPKQSGMCEAYFKRFYFNSETGKCETFIYGGCGKNGNNFQTEDECEELCIE 79
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
Match: SMESG000037999.1 (SMESG000037999.1) HSP 1 Score: 70.4774 bits (171), Expect = 2.850e-17 Identity = 29/54 (53.70%), Postives = 40/54 (74.07%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 112 DCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 +C+ PK G C A F+RFY++ +CETF YGGCG NGNNFQT +EC+ +C++ Sbjct: 24 ECNEPKQSGMCEAYFKRFYFNSETGKCETFIYGGCGKNGNNFQTEDECEELCIE 77
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
Match: SMESG000037995.1 (SMESG000037995.1) HSP 1 Score: 70.0922 bits (170), Expect = 3.346e-17 Identity = 30/59 (50.85%), Postives = 41/59 (69.49%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 97 SSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 S +C+ PK G C A F+RFY++ +CETF YGGCG NGNNFQT +EC+ +C++ Sbjct: 21 ESRLKECNEPKQSGMCMAYFKRFYFNSETGKCETFIYGGCGKNGNNFQTEDECEELCIE 79
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
Match: SMESG000037994.1 (SMESG000037994.1) HSP 1 Score: 68.1662 bits (165), Expect = 1.856e-16 Identity = 31/62 (50.00%), Postives = 41/62 (66.13%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 88 SCGSSSGADCDAPKDPGRCRANFRRFYYDQVNKQCETFSYGGCGGNGNNFQTIEECKSICMK 273 S G S +C+ PK G C A F RFY++ + CE+F YGGC NGNNF TIEEC++ C++ Sbjct: 16 SLGESRAPECNEPKKTGMCAAYFPRFYFNIQSGNCESFIYGGCQANGNNFNTIEECEARCLE 77 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Human
Analysis Date: 2016-08-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Human e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Celegans
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Celegan e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Fly
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Drosophila e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Zebrafish
Analysis Date: 2016-08-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Zebrafish e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Xenopus
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Xenopus e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Mouse
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Mouse e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. UniProt/SwissProt
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX EMBL-EBI UniProt) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. TrEMBL
Analysis Date: 2020-05-01 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX EMBL-EBI TrEMBL) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Cavefish
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Cavefish e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Sea Lamprey
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Sea Lamprey e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Yeast
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Yeast e!Fungi46) Total hits: 0
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Nematostella
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Nematostella e!Metazoa46) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Ensembl Medaka
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Medaka e!99) Total hits: 5
BLAST of Kunitz-type protease inhibitor vs. Planmine SMEST
Analysis Date: 2020-05-08 (Schmidtea mediterranea smed_20140614 BLASTX Planmine SMEST) Total hits: 5
This transcript is derived from or has results from the following analyses Sequences
The following sequences are available for this feature:
transcript sequence >SMED30012509 ID=SMED30012509|Name=Kunitz-type protease inhibitor|organism=Schmidtea mediterranea sexual|type=transcript|length=321bpback to top Annotated Terms
The following terms have been associated with this transcript:
Analysis Name: Schmidtea mediteranean smed_20140614 Interproscan
Date Performed: 2020-05-01